
31 Day Reset: Day 28 – My Self-Care Plan

I’m participating in the 31 Days to Reset Your Life program at Happy Black Woman. The program is designed to help you evaluate your goals and priorities and think of them in the context of your life today and how you might be able to refocus on what’s important. Read on to learn about my experience with the challenge!

In the spirit of focusing on happiness and well-being as we have this past month, Rosetta has asked us to develop a self-care plan of things we will do this next week. It’s a time to sit down and reflect on our mental and physical health.

Here’s what I’ve put together, mostly inspired by what I’ve reflected on through this challenge.

  • go to bed before 11:00 each night
  • be mindful of time spent on social media
  • research cognitive behavioral therapy and make an appointment if it’s a fit
  • make a dentist appointment
  • write one Nonprofit Chapin blog post (sorry for the slew of 31 Day Reset posts, but I hope you’ve enjoyed taking this journey with me!)
  • work on my Reset Project
  • do one nice surprising thing for my boyfriend, like I did on Day 19
  • read for pleasure
  • unfollow negative people on Twitter

I really hope I make the time to focus on these things this week. If not, I know these are some of my highest priority projects in general. It’s good to at least mention them (and even write them out) to help myself be accountable. You have my permission to ask me if I’ve worked on these things, too!
