
31 Day Reset: Day 16 – Redesign Your Day

I’m participating in the 31 Days to Reset Your Life program at Happy Black Woman. The program is designed to help you evaluate your goals and priorities and think of them in the context of your life today and how you might be able to refocus on what’s important. Read on to learn about my experience with the challenge!

I see where Rosetta’s going with this. She’s asked us to identify ways we can change our schedule, so that we an have more time to work on other things. There are two areas I feel I can work on regarding a different schedule.

Go to bed earlier: Enough said. My average number of hours slept during the week is maybe six at most. I really need to get more sleep! And one of the reasons I don’t is because I need to…

Cut down on social media time: I think this is probably the case for many of us. Especially for me, as I’ve gotten so much feedback about the importance of managing my personal brand online. I have become preoccupied with spending time online. There are two times during the day this is the case: right when I get home from work and right before I go to bed. If I make a conscious effort to cut down at these times, I’m sure I’ll see a difference.

Now, as I said in Day 15’s post, I’m a firm believer that some time to be mindless and unwind is essential. And because I don’t have TV, this is my way to do that. But I can admit that I could cut the time in half. We probably all could!


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