
31 Day Reset: Day 13 – My Dream Life

I’m participating in the 31 Days to Reset Your Life program at Happy Black Woman. The program is designed to help you evaluate your goals and priorities and think of them in the context of your life today and how you might be able to refocus on what’s important. Read on to learn about my experience with the challenge!

Today’s exercise was a lot of fun! I envisioned my ideal life. I took my life map and thought about exactly what things would be in the kind of life I’d like. Some highlights from mine include:

  • I have a great family, including a loving, supportive husband and kids. I make it a priority for my family to continually give back to the community. I also make sure we take time to smell the roses and appreciate everything we have.
  • I have a consulting business where I help nonprofits with strategic planning and leaders with executive coaching. This allows me a good home/work balance where I can still spend time with my family yet maintain my connection to the nonprofit sector and effecting change in a way that’s important to me.
  • I own my own home and don’t worry about how I’ll pay for necessities like food, clothes, and even education for my children. Student loans and credit card debt are paid off. I make donations to my favorite charities on a regular basis.
  • My health condition is not a burden to me or my family. I am well educated about treatment options and the newest research. I have a great, supportive doctor who is always looking out for my best interests.
  • I have a good sense of balance in all areas of my life – home, family, and career. I never let one area overpower the others. I have healthy ways of dealing with stress and anxiety and an overall positive outlook.

Like I said – so much fun! Who doesn’t want to imagine what their perfect life would be? It definitely makes me see that some of these things are very easily attainable, while others don’t feel so easy. I imagine the remainder of the 31 Day Reset will help me address some of these feelings.


3 thoughts on “31 Day Reset: Day 13 – My Dream Life

  1. You are right, some seem very attainable and others less. But it is so inspiring to see them written. While writing mine, I was actually picturing myself LIVING THAT LIFE and I felt hopeful of the great journey ahead…

    1. Totally! I read mine to my accountability partner (bf) and I asked if he thought I could have that life and he said without hesitation “definitely, that’s totally attainable for you.” exciting to think that could be my life!

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